Nmap 4.03

  • そういあでていますね・・

nmap 4.03 (changelog)

  • サイト上のchangelogは、更新がまだですが・・
  • こんな感じ

# Nmap Changelog ($Id: CHANGELOG 3274 2006-04-22 23:00:09Z fyodor $); -*-text-*-

Nmap 4.03

o Updated the LibPCRE build system to add the -fno-thread-jumps option
to gcc when compiling on the new Intel-based Apple Mac OS X systems.
Hopefully this resolves the version detection crashes that several
people have reported on such systems. Thanks to Kurt Grutzmacher
(grutz(a)jingojango.net) for sending the configure.ac patch.

o Increased a write buffer length to avoid Nmap from quitting with the
message "log_vwrite: write buffer not large enough -- need to
increase". Thanks to Dave (dmarcher(a)pobox.com) for reporting the

o Made some portability fixes to keep Nmap compiling with the newest
Visual Studio 2005. Thanks to KX (kxmail(a)gmail.com) for
suggesting them.

o Service fingerprints are now provided in the XML output whenever
they would appear in the interactive output (i.e. when a service
respons with data but is unrecognized). They are shown in a new
'servicefp' attribute to the 'service' tag. Thanks to Brandon Enright
(bmenrigh(a)ucsd.edu) for sending the patch.

o WinPcap 3.1 binaries are now shipped in the Nmap tarball, along with
a customized (for Nmap) installer written by Doug Hoyte. That new
WinPcap installer is now used in the Nmap self-installer.

o Fixed (I hope) a problem where aggresive --min-parallelization
option values could cause Nmap to quit with the message "box(300, 100,
15) called (min,max,num)". Thanks to Richard van den Berg
(richard.vandenberg(a)ins.com) for reporting the problem.

o Fixed a rare crash bug thanks to a report and patch from Ganga
Bhavani (GBhavani(a)everdreamcorp.com)